The fourth zoom level is also the only zoom level where Korok Seeds are visible, in-game.Īll 900 Korok Seeds have already been added, however many could use improved pictures and descriptions, especially to meet the updated standards below. MinorLandmarks are often additional locations for the names of bigger Landmarks that cover a large area (mountains, slopes, rivers, and lakes are prime examples), but sometimes they are other minor locations as well that just don't show at the third zoom level. MinorLandmarks are visible ONLY at the fourth zoom level (all the way zoomed in). Most Landmarks will be revealed on the in-game map from clearing the tower for that region, however some landmarks (for example small bridges) require you to actually visit them in game before they show up on your in-game map. Landmarks are visible at the third (and fourth) zoom level and are by far the most common. Interesting side note, they are the names most commonly used in-game when referring to 'where to get' something, such as on equipment or materials. Subregions are any text on the in-game map that is visible after zooming in only once. They will not match the names of towers, which are typically based off the most prominent nearby Landmark (see Landmark.) The Great Plateau is NOT a region, for instance, or even a subregion, neither is Dueling Peaks, etc. Regions are any text on the in-game map that is visible when zoomed all the way out. See below for some help for each of the pin types. The goal is to have the interactive map match the in-game map as perfectly as possible. Note that it may not appear on some zoom levels. Save the page, refresh the map, and check that your pin appears correctly.Add a line with your data at the bottom of the page.Edit the page for the type of location you're adding.You can drag this pin around to move it to the precise location of what you're adding. Click on the map and a pin will appear showing "Lat" and "Lng". Find the Fairy Fountain - Speak to Pikango to begin this Main Quest.Pikango will give you a clue for Photo 11 found on Lanayru Road, near East Gate. Captured Memories - Speak to Impa in the largest house to begin this Main Quest.